Social District Discussion
By Mike Walters March 15, 2021: Clinton, MI -- The Village of Clinton Council held a special meeting Monday evening to discuss three matters, one of which was an informational session to discuss a March 4, 2021, DDA (Downtown Development Authority) recommendation to enact a “social district” in Downtown Clinton. A public hearing on the matter will be held April 5, 2021 via Zoom for the Village of Clinton On July 1, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed House Bill 5781 into law creating the Social District Permit. The governing body of a local governmental unit may designate a Social District within its jurisdiction. Qualified licensees whose licensed premises are contiguous to the commons area within the Social District, and that have been approved for and issued a Social District Permit, may sell alcoholic liquor (beer, wine, mixed spirit drink, spirits, or mixed drinks) on their licensed premises to customers who may then consume the alcoholic liquor within the commons area of the Social District, according to the licensing and regulations page (LARA) at Tecumseh, Adrian, Dexter, and Milan are among a short list of municipalities who have The following is an ongoing list of local governmental units (city, village, township, county) that have established a Social District under MCL 436.1551., as of March 5, 2021. The Village of Clinton social district would be along Michigan Avenue in the Downtown area only, specifically from Jackson Street/Tecumseh Road to Burton/Division Street.The district would allow consumers to drink alcoholic beverages, purchased from a Downtown bar or restaurant which already owns the appropriate license, and consume it outside, in the new zone in front of participating establishments. Beer and alcoholic beverages will have to be contained in specially marked containers by participating venues in order for them to be brought into the social district area. Bringing your own beverages from outside will not be allied, according to Cornish. “It’s a different environment to bring people downtown,” said Kevin Cornish in a phone interview Tuesday. |
Clinton School Board Meeting News
By Mike Walters March 15, 2021: Clinton, MI -- The Clinton Community Schools Board of Education held its monthly meeting in-person Monday, the first time in many months due to MDHHS restrictions previously in place due to COVID-19. Clinton Athletic Director named custodian Julie Johns as the March Spirit Award winner. Johns became the first person to win the award twice, according to Waltz, who selects winners based on their contributions to Clinton athletics. “Julie spent a few hours literally dumpster diving to help me find a small bottle of antigen testing reactant that I had absent mindedly thrown away. It was these efforts that saved an entire box of tests for our wrestling team as we began the antigen testing process for the season,“ Waltz said. Rochelle Covell, a third year paraprofessional and teacher’s aid in the middle school, was named teacher of the month. “This year she is in the middle school and has taken on a new task and done remarkably well,” said Katie Bennett, Director of Special Education and Student Services. “We’re better with Rochelle as part of our team.” Mimi Scott, Director of the David P. Pray Preschool, proudly announced that 80% of her preschool population would be moving up to kindergarten in the fall. Preschool registration will begin March 29, 2021. Kindergarten registration will also begin on March 29, 2021 both online at or packets may be picked up from the Clinton Elementary SChool office. See last week’s ad in the Local for more details. “Despite all that has happened in the past year, we have seen kids who are resilient and have persevered,” said Jennifer Ellis, Clinton ELementary School Principal. Last Friday was a district-wide Asynchronous Day, which allows staff to schedule meetings with students who need extra individual attention. It also allows for camaraderie among staff, and they held a chili dog eating contest. While Superintendent Jim Cracraft boasted a whopping total of 5 chili dogs consumed, the winner was a bit of a surprise. Clinton music teacher Joyce Collins won the friendly competition by consuming 9.5 chili dogs, as reported at Monday’s meeting. Clinton Middle School Principal Eric Claus said his school ordered about 300 “Pride” tee shirts from signature sewing. He also praised the work of Mike Krauss, who handles the middle school SeaPerch program as well as his regular duties. On April 17, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Clinton High School will host 43 teams from schools across the country for the annual SeaPerch competition. The University of Michigan will provide the pools needed. SeaPearch is an underwater robotics program and is headed locally by CHS teacher Ron Schaffner. Clinton High School Principal Kevin Beaxley announced several events for this year’s graduating class. On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 Clinton High school will honor its top graduating students in the school gymnasium beginning at 6:06 p.m.. On May 15, 2021, the school will host the Senior Spring Fling for its 86 seniors from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on the CHS grounds. The event, which is to be like a prom, will be outside, for seniors only, and will go on “rain or shine,” Beazley said. Senior Scholarship Night will be March 27, 2021, and graduation will be held at Wegner Field on June 6, 2021 -- rain or shine. The Board voted unanimously to restrict $250,000 of the current budget for capital outlay for the second budget revision. The Board accepted the resignations of three employees: veteran CMS English teacher Laura Krzyzaniak, elementary aide Heather Hicks, and girls track coach Mike Krauss (only from his coaching position). The Board approved the Fifth Grade Camp Storer trip for February 2022. The overnight trip was cancelled this year due to COVID-19. Next year would mark the eleventh time Clinton fifth graders have gone on the trip. |
Public Meetings: In or Out?
Township Going Back to In-person Meetings, Village to Wait By Mike Walters March 16, 2021: Clinton, MI -- Officials in Clinton this week expressed differing opinions about next month’s regular public meetings. Clinton Township Supervisor Basil Greenleaf told the Local Monday that the April 12, 2021,meeting for Clinton Township would be held in person at the township hall at 172 West Michigan Avenue. In an interview Tuesday, Village of Clinton Manager Kevin Cornish told the Local that public meetings would continue to be conducted virtually for the immediate future, including the next council meeting on April 5, 2021. “The current rules, as we understand it, do not allow us to meet in person,” Cornish said. The township hall, which may be as much as four times larger than the space available at the Village of Clinton office, can accommodate at least 20 people with social distancing. Mask wearing during the entire meeting is expected. “We hope to meet in person soon,” Cornish said. “It’s just easier to sit with each other and talk about things.” |